Life Purpose
You deserve to know the REAL you; your life purpose and your passion!
“Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.” - Carl Jung
If you want a proven method that brings together “being” with “doing,” look no further!
The Living Your Vision® process puts the focus on who you are at your core and what you truly want, plus helps you create a personal road map to get there. Not only that, it’s followed up with coaching to provide support, partnership, and tools to help you stay on track. Are you ready to tap into your inner wisdom, guidance, power and passion?
- Do you want to make profound and lasting choices in alignment with your core values?
- Are you ready to learn how to produce and sustain extraordinary positive results while appreciating the quality of your journey?
- Are you seeking tools to create a comprehensive, holistic Life Map that becomes a life-long tool for personal and professional excellence?
- Do you want to foster wholeness and balance through a process of practical, applied spirituality?
Why engage in this work with Amorah?
Amoráh began her spiritual journey of self-discovery in the mid-1980s, first by reading books that literally ‘fell off the shelf’ into her hands and then by purposefully seeking teachers who could show her the way. Up until that time, she had led her life as a carefree party animal who worked hard during the week and played doubly hard every weekend. Then, that way of living began to be boring and she found herself thinking, “Is that all there is?” (Sounds a bit like a well-known song by Peggy Lee, doesn’t it?)
Like a person coming in from the desert with an unquenchable thirst, Amoráh’s spiritual journey led her to multiple metaphysical teachers and energy practitioners, and from each she learned more about herself and developed her different worldview sourced from positivity and intentionality, applying the principles of the Law of Attraction to her everyday living and working.
In 1997, Amoráh’s spiritual quest brought her to a Living Your Vision® (LYV) workshop as her next step and, upon completing the workshop, she began living from her soul’s essence every day. She then participated in the LYV Licensing Program, becoming a facilitator of this powerful process of self-discovery, not only in her private coaching practice but also as a faculty member of the newly formed Academy for Coach Training. Over the next several years, Amoráh was referred to in the Academy and LYV community as the “Queen of LYV” because she delivered more of these processes than any other facilitator at the time.
Today she brings her passion, personal experience and utter belief in this powerful process to individuals who recognize at their core that they, too, are destined to engage in Living Your Vision® as a next step in their personal & spiritual development. You are guaranteed to benefit and grow from Amoráh’s deep roots as a lifelong learner and long-time LYV practitioner who inspires intentionality, purposeful manifestation and joyful creativity.
Individual 1:1 Process
$4995 - includes a facilitated process of self-discovery and a completed Life Map followed by 12 private 30-minute telephone or online sessions
Couples Process
$9995 - includes a facilitated process of self-discovery and a completed Life Map followed by 9 60-minute telephone or online sessions between the 3 of us
Small Group Process
(3-6 people)
$1995 per person - Includes a facilitated process of self-discovery followed by 9 60-minute telephone or online group sessions to complete your individual Life Maps
Learn more about Living Your Vision®
Reading Chapter 8 in the book, “Roadmap to Success”, co-authored by inviteCHANGE faculty members, BJ Levy and Amoráh Ross, is an excellent way to learn more about the process